Central & State Agencies

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Data Agencies

At present, there are 49 Implementing Agencies identified under the National Hydrology Project collecting water data. NWIC is in process of progressively incorporating data from all the implementing agencies by signing MoAs. There are 9-Central agencies, 35-State agencies, 3-River basin agencies and 2-UTs agencies. 

Central Agencies

Central Water Commission(CWC)


Central water commission provides time series data of Rainfall, Reservoir Level, reservoir live storage, River Level & Flow and Surface Water Quality (on monthly basis for 66 parameters of 441 water quality stations). In addition to time series data, CWC along with state water resources departments provided data on country’s Water Resources Projects (irrigation infrastructure and command areas). The data is now available for editing by State WRDs through Online Web Editor module. CWC monitors the monthly water spread area of Snow Glacial lakes and water bodies from June to October based on satellite imageries. The data is available for a period of 2009-2019. Static data on Reservoir Sedimentation Studies regarding loss of storage capacity due to sedimentation is also provided by CWC under Sedimentation capacity survey. Command area-based assessment of Waterlogging and Soil Salinity is also provided by CWC in the current version of web-portal. (http://www.cwc.gov.in/)

Central Ground Water Board(CGWB)


CGWB provides the seasonal Groundwater Level data (State-District-Station wise level report, Seasonal – Annual – Decadal Fluctuation, and trends of water level). Water quality for ground water stations is available on yearly basis for 17 parameters from 2000-2016. Semi Dynamic category data for Ground Water Resources on net GW availability is available for a period of 2009, 2011, 2019 and 2017. Data on aquifer system of the entire country and Litholog data for 2740 bore locations is also provided by CGWB. (http://cgwb.gov.in/ )

National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)


NRSC provides gridded daily data on Rainfall, Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture content. Apart from dynamic data, the thematic data on Land use land cover (2005-06 and 2011-12), Wastelands extent and classes (2005-06), Land degradation maps (2005-06) and Flood inundated area (2008, 2009 and 2010) is also provided by NRSC. Ground Water Prospects i.e. Ground water potential maps at 1:50000 (pdfs) are also provided and is available in the portal.   (https://www.nrsc.gov.in/ )

Survey Of India (SOI)


The administrative boundaries of the country viz. International, State, State capitals, District and village boundary is provided on 1:50000 grid size (Toposheet). (http://www.surveyofindia.gov.in/ )

National Institute of Hydrology (NIH)


Updation of live Data on Rainfall amount and River gauge level and discharge is currently under process.   (http://www.nihroorkee.gov.in/ )

Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB)


Water quality data for both surface and ground water of CPCB stations is currently under the process of integration into the current system. http://cpcbbrms.nic.in/

CWPRS (Central Water and Power Reaearch Station)


State Agencies

Andhra Pradesh GW (Groundwater and Water Audit Department)


Andhra Pradesh ground water department is providing the Groundwater Level data(http://www.apsgwd.gov.in)

Andhra Pradesh SW (Water Resources Department)


The Andhra Pradesh state surface water agency provides daily data of Rainfall and River monitoring (level & flow).(http://hp-apsw.cgg.gov.in/)

Andhra Pradesh Water Resources Information & Management System (APWRIMS)


APWRIMS provides the Live Data (Time series) on - Rainfall, Reservoir live Storage, Capacity and level, Minor Irrigation Tanks – (Tank Capacity & Storage) and ground water level daily data for Andhra Pradesh state(http://apwrims.ap.gov.in/)

Bihar GW (Minor Water Resources Development Department)


The Bihar state ground water department provides the Groundwater Level data(http://minorirrigation.bihar.gov.in/)

Bihar SW (Water Resources Department)


The Bihar state surface water agency provide the River monitoring data in terms of level and flow.(http://wrd.bih.nic.in/)

Chhattisgarh (Water Resources Department)


The Chhattisgarh state agency provides Daily data (Time series) for Rainfall, River monitoring (level and flow) and Groundwater level.(http://hydrologyproject.cg.gov.in/)

Goa (Water Resources Department)


Goa state surface water and ground water agency provides data for Rainfall, River level & discharge and ground water level.(https://goawrd.gov.in/)

Gujarat (Water Resources Department)


The Gujarat state agency provide time series daily data for Rainfall , River monitoring (level & flow) , Reservoir Storage capacity, live storage, Reservoir Level and Groundwater level.(http://guj-nwrws.gujarat.gov.in/)

Himachal Pradesh (Irrigation & Public Health Department)


The HP state agency provides daily time series data for Rainfall , River monitoring (level & flow).(http://www.hpiph.org/)

Karnataka (Water Resources Department)


The agency provides time series daily data for Rainfall.(http://waterresources.kar.nic.in/)

Kerala GW (Ground Water Department)


The Kerala state ground water agency provide daily (time series) data for ground water level.(https://groundwater.kerala.gov.in/)

Kerala SW (Irrigation Department)


Kerela water resources department provides daily data for Rainfall and River level & flow(http://www.irrigation.kerala.gov.in/)

Madhya Pradesh (Water Resources Department)


Madhya Pradesh state agency provides daily time series data for Rainfall, live data for river monitoring (level & flow) and ground water level data(http://www.mpwrd.gov.in/)

Maharashtra GW (Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency)


Maharashtra ground water department provides ground water level data(https://gsda.maharashtra.gov.in/)

Maharashtra SW (Water Resources Department)


The state agency provides daily time series data of Rainfall and River monitoring (level & flow).(https://wrd.mahharashtra.gov.in)

Meghalaya (Water Resources Department)


Meghalaya state agency provides daily time series data for Rainfall, live data for river monitoring (level & flow) and ground water level data(http://megwaterresources.gov.in/)

Mizoram (Irrigation & Water Resources Department)


The state agency provide time series data for rainfall and river monitoring sites (level & flow)(https://irrigation.mizoram.gov.in/)

Odisha (Water Resources Department)


The data updation for Rainfall and River monitoring – daily data (level & flow) of Odisha is under process. (http://www.dowrodisha.gov.in/)

Punjab (Department of Irrigation)


Punjab state agency provides time series daily data for Rainfall and River monitoring (level & flow), although the data is restricted for general user and is not available on public domain. (http://irrigation.punjab.gov.in/)

Rajasthan (SW and GW)


Rajasthan Surface water agency provides time series daily Data for Rainfall amount and River level and flow. (http://water.rajasthan.gov.in)

Tamil Nadu (Surface water and Ground water)


The Tamil Nadu state agency provides time series daily data for Rainfall and River monitoring (level & flow). The agency also provides ground water level time series data. (http://www.wrd.tn.gov.in/)

Telangana GW (Ground Water Department)


Telangana ground water department provides time series daily data of ground water level. (http://www.gwd.telangana.gov.in/)

Telangana SW (Irrigation & CAD Department)


Telangana state surface water agency provide times series daily data for Rainfall and live data for river monitoring (level & flow). (https://irrigation.telangana.gov.in/)

Uttar Pradesh GW (Ground Water Department)


UP Ground water provides live telemetric data for ground water level.(https://upgwd.nic.in/)

West Bengal SW (Irrigation and Waterways Department)


West Bengal surface water agency provides time series daily data for Rainfall. Time series data for River level and flow is restricted and not available in public domain(http://www.wbiwd.gov.in/)

River Basins

Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB)


The board provides Live telemetric Data for Rainfall. The times series data for River level and flow is restricted and not available in public domain.(http://bbmb.gov.in/)

Damodar Valley Corporation


The DVC provides time series daily data for Rainfall. The times series data for River level and flow is restricted and not available in public domain. (http://www.dvc.gov.in/ )

Other Agencies

Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD)


MoRD provides information on drought and desert prone areas at block level scale. (https://rural.nic.in/)

India Meteorological Department (IMD)


IMD provides rainfall live (time series) gridded data for entire country. Data for historical extreme temperature and maximum rainfall events is also provided. (https://mausam.imd.gov.in/ )

National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use planning (NBSS&LUP) -ICAR


The information on Soil is provided by NBSS which contains country level variation of soils in terms of texture, depth, slope, erosion and productivity (https://www.nbsslup.in/ )

Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad


Wetlands extent and its sub categories information is provided by SAC. (https://www.sac.gov.in/ )

Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP)


CBIP provides Information regarding country’s Hydro power projects. (http://www.cbip.org/ )

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